End of Summer Inspiration

Jul 30th 2018

For many, August marks the winding down of summer. Back to school ads fill our screens, school busses begin lining the streets again, and the time of summer bliss slowly fades into another school year. Our goal is to not let it slip beyond our fingers too quickly! Today we're sharing SIX of our favorite Pinterest highlights for end of summer inspiration:

Throw an End of Summer Backyard Tapas Party
Round up your friends and neighbors and send the last nights of summer out with a sophisticated bang via a tapas party. Want to take things up a notch? Pop a bottle of champagne and whip up some fancy summer cocktails!

Put Your Summer Blackberries to Good Use with Mini Cobblers 
It's only a matter of time before some of summer's favorite fruits disappear, so we've got to take advantage of 'em all while we can! In our opinion, there's nothing much better than a handmade end-of-summer cobbler!

Photo Credit: Apt 2 B Baking 

Pack Up Your Car for a Night of Star Gazing
Pack a picnic, grab some cozy pillows and blankets, and hit the open road for a night of stargazing! Summer skies offer some of the best meteor showers of the year and you don't want to miss. You can check the meteor schedule HERE ... then get to packin' that picnic! 

Photo Credit: Apartment Therapy

Go Blackberry Pickin'
The end of July and early August usually brings the deepest, richest flavors... so get 'em while you can! A day of blackberry picking is hard work, but just think if all the jams, syrups, desserts, and smoothies you can make with them all year long!

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Get Outside and Enjoy Some Music
It won't be too long now before the days start getting shorter and the nights colder. Soak up all the outdoor evenings while you can with local, outdoor music. Most cities and towns offer live music, so be sure to check your local listings to see what's popping up around your home. 

Light a Campfire and Roast Some Marshmallows
While the s'mores are delicious and sweet, it's really more about the conversations that seem to unfold around a campfire. Invite some friends over and enjoy the evening listening to stories and the crackling embers (while you indulge in a s'more...or three, of course).