Pillows for Kids and Toddlers

Aug 22nd 2018

Pillows for Kids and Toddlers

Our pillows can be considered some of our closest friends. After all, we see them every night, share personal space, and allow our dreams to flow as we rest our heads. In addition to their friendship, we’re well aware of the fact that pillows play key roles in helping us attain good nights of rest. Knowing just how much we love our pillows as adults, we’re quick to assume kids and toddlers want and need pillows as much as we do… but do they really need them? Are they actually important in the health and well-being of our kids? Today we’re sharing some insight on using pillows for kids and toddlers.


At What Age Should Kids Begin Using Pillows?
The appropriate pillow age has been long discussed topic among parents and experts alike, but with all of the back and forth, sometimes it’s hard to nail down a solid answer.

According to Judith Owens, a pediatric sleep expert writing for BabyCenter.com, “…pillows are not recommended for children under two.ChildSafetyExperts.com furthers that point by stating, “If you are wondering at what age should a child use a pillow, the answer is at around 2 to 3 years old. When you transition your toddler to a normal bed, you can choose to introduce a toddler pillow.” Although these are opinions from just two sources, the consensus remains fairly solid across the board o: pillows are best used for toddlers and kids ages 2 and up.

This said, nobody knows a child better than their own parents, so it is often up to mom and dad to determine when their toddler is ready to begin using a pillow. A few things to watch for when deciding if a child is ready for a pillow include seeing them rest their heads on stuffed animals or blankets during the day, resting their heads on a throw pillow while watching a movie or relaxing, or noting a general lack of good sleep due to discomfort and restlessness. “Another indicator is to look at your baby’s shoulders,” parent.guide.com adds, “Once they are wider than his head... your little one will usually be more comfortable sleeping on a pillow than a flat mattress.” Becoming aware of these signals will help a parent decipher when their child is ready to move onto the pillow life.

What Types of Pillows are Best for Kids?
From down-filled to eco-friendly and everything in between, the search for the best pillow for kids can be a bit overwhelming. Some argue that organic, eco-based toddler pillows are best, while others insist that flatter, thinner, firmer pillows are better. So, what’s the deal? What pillow IS best for kids?

According to childrearing and pillow experts alike, the most important aspect to take into consideration is that choosing a toddler-specific pillow rather than a regular “adult” pillow during the transitional stage is key. Against common belief, toddler pillows are not just a marketing push or ploy. Rather, toddler pillows are made with smaller heads and necks in mind. Adult pillows are specifically designed to provide the necessary support for certain head sizes and weights, whereas toddler pillows are created to be a bit smaller and flatter for the more petite. The specifically created sizing and fills help growing kids avoid straining their necks and shoulders, thus combating poor posture and terrible nights of sleep.

Once you have landed on a properly sized toddler pillow, it’s up to you to determine the best pillow personality type for your child. Is you child extra sensitive when it comes to seasonal allergies and colds? We’d suggest going the eco-friendly route. Typically for toddler pillow fill types, we suggest steering away from higher down counts just to ensure a bit more support overall — a little more firmness goes a long way! 

In the end, the decision for child and toddler pillows truly boils down to mom and dad's personal understanding of their child's specific needs and preferences. That said, pillows have been shown to improve a child's overall well-being when it comes to a good night of rest, good support, and properly-trained posture, and it is important to choose his or her toddler pillow well and wisely!